
2024 FCF Parade Entry Form

Fayette County Fair is bringing back the Fair Parade!! The Theme will be “Down on the Farm”

Lineup will begin at the Brownstown High School at 1 p.m.
Judging will begin at 1:30 p.m. (at the High School)
The Parade will begin at 2 p.m.

Parade Route:
The Parade Route will leave from the High School parking lot and head north on the circle drive. Then head west on South Street, then south passed the ball diamond, east on W. Wasser Drive, south on Glen Lane, north on West Cherokee Drive. The Parade will then cross HWY 40 and enter the fairgrounds. In the fairgrounds, the parade will head to the Grandstands and pavilion where the announcer will announce winners and Queen Josie will present winners with their awards. The route will continue around the horse arena and down the west side of the fairgrounds. The parade will end in the front parking lot.

Political Entry fee is $25. All other entries are free.

Awards will be given in the following categories: Adult Non-Profit, Youth Non-Profit, Horses, Bands, Tractors, Misc. Groups.

Other categories include: Political, Queen Contestants, EMTs/Fire/Police.

If you have any questions, please contact Danielle Wright 217-343-2102 or Andrea Strauch 618-322-6663.